Incident Categories

Managing Incident Categories

Manage your call types in multiple ways here. Hide certain categories, make submissions automatically marked as important, create bulk and quick submissions, and edit colors. Use various search tools to find and edit categories. Utilize Instructional "?" to assist in finding and changing stats.

On this page you can edit:

  • Default Important
    • This will automatically mark submissions as important when submitted.
  • Default Note
    • This will automatically add a note to submissions when submitted.
  • Show on Bulk
    • This will show the category on the bulk submission page.
  • Quick Categories
    • You can choose other categories that will be shown as quick categories on the category you are editing
  • Quick Only
    • This will configure the current category as ONLY a quick category. Removing it from the submit and bulk submit flows.
  • Order
    • This will change the order of the categories on the submit and bulk submit flows.
  • Color
  • Active/Archived


Currently, there is no way to add or edit your categories from your platform. If you would like to make these changes please reach out to support.