Supervisor Review
Forms can now be configured to enable supervisor review on submitted incidents. When your agency has a form configured as a supervisor review form, it will enable a new flow on the Submit and Activity Log pages to recommend/require a supervisor review. It will then track the state of that workflow as users request review and supervisors/admin review incident reports.
Configuring Supervisor Review
- To enable supervisor review on a form, you will need to add a new field to the form.
The field should be a
field with a set of options.
- You will click the advanced settings accordian and turn on "Use as supervisor review"
From there you can select which question in your form is the review question and the colors for those states. Some examples would be:
- "Edits Needed" - Yellow
- "Approved" - Green
You can set your form to target certain call types with the suggest on incident type dropdown on the form configuration, or by clicking the require on important incidents toggle.
Review Flows
Submit Tab (Users)
Once configured, users will be able to request reviews from the submit tab:
How reviewed incidents look on the "Edit Submissions" page
When you click the button to request a review, you will be prompted with a modal to select the supervisor you want to review the incident.
Activity Log (Admins/Supervisors)
Supervisors and admins will be able to review incidents from the activity log page.
When you click the button to review an incident, you will be prompted with a modal to fill out the configured supervisor form. Once filled out the review will be attached to the incident and the status will be updated accordingly.
If you are looking for certain incidents in specific review states, you can use the dropdown to filter the activity log to only show incidents in that state.