
Your Home tab is where you can view and create Bulletins, access pinned Documents and Forms, as well as view active calls, daily Notable Incidents, and real time weather data.

Who uses it?

Home tab will mostly be viewed in the beginning of the day by general staff to check out any pinned bulletins and periodically throughout the day to keep up on any discussions and updates. General staff might also access the Home tab for easy access to popular forms and documents. Supervisor staff may use this page to view active calls or notable incidents as well as creating the above mentioned Bulletins.


Access discussion, active and notable incidents, and dynamic weather

Home is a great place to start your day or keep tabs on live information. Place it on a TV, second monitor or check on your phone regularly.


Create Bulletins Directly from Home

Bulletins can be posted from the commication tab or directly from the home screen. Pinned bulletins are always visible on the home screen, while past bulletins can always be found in the communication tab.
